Immigrant Communities in Action formed in January 2005 as the Queens Drivers License Coalition to build the power of diverse immigrant communities in Queens & citywide to drive back the attack on immigrants in New York and around the country. The coalition is made up of over 20 organizations of immigrants affected by this issue and non-immigrants concerned with the rights of immigrants.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ALERT!!!!! ALERT!!!!! the House Judiciary Committee CANCELLED its Field Hearing on August 25th and it will not be rescheduled. Over a hundred people from NYC were set to attend the hearings in upstate NY. NYC voices WILL be heard! Immigrants' voices WILL be heard. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!!! As people who live and work in NYC, we must have our VOICES HEARD & EXPOSE the political games & exclusionary tactics being played by Congress. Join us from the heart of the belly of the beast at the New York Stock Exchange in Manhattan on Friday August 25th as we REFUSE TO BE SILENCED & EXCLUDED from the "Democratic Process" BY CONGRESS throughout the legislative debate on immigration reform and demand: NO to a BILL written by electeds who refuse to hear immigrant demands! NO to a BILL that TRADES MORE Detention, Border Militarization & Deportation for WEAK legalization provisions! YES! to full legalization and civil rights for all immigrants! Press Conference & March to Federal Plaza 11 am Friday, August 25th 80 Broadway, Bank of America (Take 4/5 to Wall Street. Exit @ Broadway from Station) More info: DRUM: 718-205-3036


Blogger knappster said...

Mass immigration provides the growth that maintains capitalism.  More people, more consumption, more profits, more destruction ...

But the Red Left is too busy with their script for "rights" to notice the sinking ship.

"You go girl!" said the Wall Street investment banker.

2:36 AM


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